To place your order, follow these steps :
Browse through our catalog of products until you find something you like, choose the relevant size (if you are not sure of the size, refer the size chart to find the correct size) and click on the ‘Add to Cart’ button.
In my cart, you can either choose to continue shopping or confirm the order.
Once the cart is all set, proceed to checkout, submit your shipping address, select the desired payment process and confirm your order.
We will ship your product on your mentioned shipping address. We have tie ups with reputed courier companies, so your orders will be delivered to your doorstep. All orders will be delivered in fully sealed packages to protect your goods and ensure that they reach you in perfect condition.
We’ll send an email with your order information to confirm and another email when your order is shipped out. However, the order will be accepted and sent to you once your credit card/debit card and address details have been approved and verified, unless it’s a COD. Sit back, relax and wait for your awesome apparel to arrive.
- Please check your bank/credit card account to first ensure if your account has been debited. If your account has been debited after a payment failure, it is normally rolled back by banks within 7 business days.
- For assistance you can write to us at info@grafiteezstore.com, we will be happy to help you out.